Bail When Your Child Has Been Arrested

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Bail When Your Child Has Been Arrested

8 September 2022
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Dealing with the arrest of a child is always a difficult situation. However, certain laws can make things worse for those who are under the age of 18. Only under certain circumstances will your minor be offered bail. For what that can mean, read on.

Minors and Bail Issues

The law prevents those under the age of 18 from getting out of jail using bail, with one exception discussed below. However, many minors are not placed in jail with adults after an arrest. Many minors end up being released to the custody of a parent after an arrest. 

Tried as an Adult

Those charged as an adult may be provided with the opportunity to be bailed out. However, the circumstances of the crime with which the minor is charged can make it a challenge to be approved for bail. When a minor is charged as an adult, the charges are often at the felony level. Most felonies are not bailable offenses, however. 

Some minors are charged as an adult but are offered bail. The bail issue is determined by the judge. They may decide to release the minor to their parent's custody to keep them out of adult jail. Ankle monitoring may be ordered to help keep tabs on the minor while they are awaiting trial.

What Parents Should Do

If your child has been offered bail, chances are it's very high. You don't have to pay that price, though. Bail bonding companies offer bail bonds at reduced prices. You can bail your child out of jail at a percentage of the full bail cost. Act quickly once your child has been offered bail, they may be held with others in a very unsafe situation and every moment counts.

Follow these steps to get your child out of confinement quickly:

  1. Phone the facility where your child is being held and find out about the bail situation. If bail has been offered, find out the amount, your child's charges, and the location they are being held.
  2. Phone a bail bonding company that is located near the facility. The closer they are to the jail, the quicker your child could be released.
  3. Find out how much the bail bond will be and about the forms of payment accepted. Get driving and parking directions also. Bail bonding offices are usually located in convenient areas with ample parking. However, they may also be in busy downtown areas.
  4. Be sure to let the bail bonding agent know that your child is of minor age but being charged as an adult. In most cases, the bail procedure is the same.

 Speak to a bail bonds agent to find out more.